Wednesday Feb 21, 2024

It's lonely over here. How paternal mental health is being impacted by the fourth trimester.

As we scratch the surface related to maternal mental health and the importance of adequate and accessible education and resources for moms, I can't help but think about our dads who have yet to enter the conversation.  I recognize it is one slow step at a time, and my work with moms highlights the need for MORE work with dads, creating that same space that allows them to be vulnerable and get some assistance with the postpartum process too.  Tune in as I discuss my thoughts around this and what I am personally doing to help dads that are "new here" with very little resources.  I am constantly reminded of my own husbands strength, love, patience, and resilience, that was displayed with very little support or guidance.  


My mission as the Founder of The Whole Mom is to provide moms with everything they need on their journey through pregnancy and beyond, and that includes services for Dads.


Here is a handy toolbox for Dad to get familiar with and work with mom to build off of.

Dads Toolbox

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